identifying window problems and need for replacement

3 Tips For Caring For Your Home's Tinted Windows

Residential window tint is popular for a number of reasons — tinting your windows can lower your monthly cooling bills, provide privacy, and also protect your flooring and furniture from fading due to exposure to UV rays. Thus, residential window tinting is a very wise investment. If you're planning on spending the money to have your home's windows tinted, you are sure to want the tint that is applied to last for as long as possible. Window tint is pretty low maintenance, but there are a few things that you will need to do to keep it in optimal condition. Use the following tips to help you care for your home's tinted windows.

Allow Proper Time for Drying

The installation process for window tint does not actually take an extremely long time. Depending on the number of windows your home has, window tint can usually be applied in a day or two. However, it is important to note that residential window tint does require ample time to completely dry and become bonded to the window glass. Typically, it takes a couple of weeks for new window film to dry out. So, for the first few weeks after window tint is applied, it is important to avoid opening and closing your windows so you do not damage the tint.

Don't Use Ammonia Based Cleaners

Homeowners often use glass cleaner to clean the mirrors and windows around their home, but when you have tinted windows you will need to be very careful about what type of cleaner you use to wash the windows. It is extremely important to avoid using any type of cleaner that contains ammonia. The components in ammonia will damage the window tint, and over time the use of ammonia can cause the tint to begin to crack and peel. You can use an ammonia-free glass cleaner, or even warm water and a gentle soap to clean your windows.

Use a Soft Cloth

When you're cleaning your tinted windows, your best bet is to always use a very soft microfiber cloth to wipe them down. Some people opt to use soft microfiber cloths that are designed to polish an automobile, and these work great on tinted windows. Stay away from abrasive sponges, since they can damage the surface of the tint. Rough paper towels are not a good option either. The less friction applied to the surface of the window tint, the longer it will last.

For more information, contact a window tinting service like Sundown Window Tinting.
